Each family has their own recipe and varies from region to region. I am sharing my mother’s recipe for thin crispy nippattu that are addictive & delicious. The use of peanuts, fried gram and sesame seeds in nippattu makes them aromatic and taste delicious. Usually maida and chiroti rava are used in nippattu. Maida helps the dough to bind well and also reduces cracks while spreading. Chiroti rava is used to give a light crunch. However nippattu turns out great even with out both these ingredients. I had made 2 batches of the recipe with and without them. The nippattu shown in the above pictures are made without both of them. Many people prefer to make these with a small amount of maida and rava, so I have shown them in the step by step pictures which you can totally skip if you prefer to avoid. More Diwali snacks,ThattaiMurukkuButter murukkuShankarpaliRibbon pakoda

Preparation for nippattu

  1. Dry roast peanuts lightly until the skin begins to come off. You can cool and deskin them, I went ahead without removing the skin. Do not deep roast the peanuts as they burn when deep fried. Coconut is another optional ingredients.
  2. Pluse all the 3 to a coarse mixture in a mixer. It is good to have some split peanuts here and there.
  3. Add rice flour to a mixing bowl. If you prefer then use chiroti rava (optional).
  4. Next add 1 tbsp maida. This is optional.
  5. Add the crushed peanuts & sesame seeds.
  6. Then add salt, red chilli powder and curry leaves.
  7. Mix all of them. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a kadai until very hot. Pour this to the flour.
  8. The oil must sizzle. This will make them crispy.

Making nippattu

  1. Mix up very well to incorporate the oil into the flour. Pour 1/4 cup water and make a firm and non sticky dough. Use more water as needed just by sprinkling.
  2. Making very moist or sticky dough may make the nippattu absorb lot of oil.
  3. Divide the dough to 18 to 20 portions. Keep the bowl covered.
  4. Use a damp cloth or parchment paper to spread the dough balls.
  5. Spread the dough as thin as possible to make them crispy. If you get lot of cracks, then just join and spread. Or dip your fingers in water and continue. Prick them with fork randomly just to prevent them from puffing. If you keep the peanut mixture coarse then they will not puff. In that case you can skip pricking with a fork.

Frying nippattu

  1. After making 3 to 4, begin to heat oil in a kadai for deep frying. Test by dropping a small piece of dough. It must come up immediately without browning.
  2. Regulate the flame to medium high, then slide the nippattu one after the other gently.
  3. Flip them after a minute and fry until golden and crisp. Discard the oil after use. Remove them to a mesh basket or a large colander and avoid tissues.Cool them completely and store in a steel or glass jar. Avoid plastic jars. Related Recipes

Nippattu recipe