I have used this recipe for so long as my kids love these for a weekend snack. So I got to perfection the recipe to make a delicious and good French toast that is not soggy and eggy. On occasions I have also made this eggless and it turns out so good even out the eggs. Custard powder or corn starch is used as a substitute to eggs. Though the flavor is not the same as with eggs but still it tastes good. If you are a vegan then simply use any vegan milk and our favorite is this almond milk. Here are some common questions that may help you.

How to make french toast with egg

  1. This step is optional but I prefer to do it to keep the bread firm before dipping in the egg mixture. Toast them on a low heat on both the sides until they become firm.
  2. Choose a bowl that is shallow or wide enough to dip the bread slice in it. Break 1 egg to the bowl. Then add 1½ tablespoon sugar, a pinch of salt and milk. I have used oat milk. For a eggless version, mix together custard powder and milk.
  3. Add ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon.
  4. Beat all of them until frothy.
  5. Heat a pan with 1 teaspoon butter for each slice of bread.
  6. Dip the bread in the egg mixture. Be fast at this stage and don’t let the bread soak in the egg longer.
  7. Dip the bread in the egg mixture on both the sides.
  8. Wipe off the drippings to the edges of the bowl. Place it in the hot pan.
  9. On a medium heat, toast it on both the sides until golden. If using a large pan, you can toast all the slices at one time. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the French toast and serve. You can also pour maple syrup or honey. If using honey cool down the toast slightly and then add the honey. For more bread toast recipes, you can checkGarlic cheese toastPaneer cheese toastEgg bread toastBesan bread toastCapsicum cheese toast